Saturday, August 16

Back from Blogger Bootcamp

After a few (or a few plus a few) years away from the website building and blog-life, I've decided it's time to get back in and join the online party.

I opened up my old friend blogger - figured I'd jump in there and do a little design, put up a few graphics, build the navigation and start introducing myself to the blogosphere again.

Well, that's not how it actually worked.
And that's how I ended up in my own one-person, disorganized, disoriented, clueless, obsessive, 12-hours-a-day blogging bootcamp.

A girl can only tolerate the rigors of bootcamp for so long, i.e., no food in the house, garbage piling up at the door, laundry walking itself to the washer... Today I'm reporting for duty.

The little bitchy-pants in my head woke me up this morning chanting about how I'll never be good at all this, I'm too long out of the game, it's too hard, might as well give up, pillows feel so good.... But I shoved her aside on my way to make coffee. I can't let the no-you-can't thoughts make 7 days of bootcamp a waste of time!

My natural inclination is to put off starting until everything is perfect, but that's never really going to happen, is it?

So, with this post, I'd like to introduce myself.
Hello there blogosphere - can I come to play with y'all?

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