Sunday, June 22

What the hell is a Kumato?

Three Kumatos for 50 cents at NoFrills
These cute little packages of three were on sale at the grocery store the other day, so I picked it up, and then noticed the label. Kumato. No description on the package of what a Kumato is supposed to be, but it sure looked like a tomato.

So, I took it home, cut it open, sprinkled it with sea salt and took a bite.

Hmmm. Tastes like a tomato. Color is a bit green on the outside, tomato-ey on the inside.

Kumato sliced
Wikipedia says a Kumato is a variety of tomato developed in Spain, and is only grown by selected growers around the world. It is a bit sweeter than a regular tomato.

Interestingly, a regular person can't buy the Kumato seeds - they are only sold to registered growers who have undergone a "rigorous" selection process.

See the full Wiki story here if you really need to know more.

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