Friday, July 25

Pointing your URL to your blog

I spent an hour or more this morning working on making my blogger blog be the recipient of the information from the Domain Name Registrar (DNS) Server...

Already sounds like gibberish, but I persevered to attempting to make changes to my CNAME information, etc., etc., and I won't bore you with the rest of the silliness.

Finally, finally, I broke down at 2pm and got a glass of wine, plugged in the charger for my computer and my phone, put in my headphones and steeled myself for Tech support at Godaddy.

When I'm wrong - well - I'm really, really, very wrong.

Thursday, July 3

Fun with Artificial Intelligence

You may have had all the AI you can stand if you use that spunky little Siri, but if not, go ask CleverBot some questions and have some fun. They are now offering phone apps for both apple and android.